Our Great Class

Our Great Class
A Beautiful Autumn Day

Monday, November 26, 2012

Cleaning Water Experiment

On Tuesday we did an experiment where students were given dirty water and they needed to use a variety of materials (sponge, coffee filters, two different kinds of sand, moss, tissues) to try to get the water as clean as possible. We related this to how a wetland cleans up water.  Students worked in groups and designed three different trials.  They recorded their data on a sheet, filled a funnel with their materials, poured the water in the funnel, and timed their result. This experiment is similar to what students will have to do in the spring on a science NECAP test.  You can ask your child what changes they made in their experiment and how successful they were in cleaning up their water. Below are some photos from that day.
The first photos are from doing the experiment:

 The results:

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