Our Great Class

Our Great Class
A Beautiful Autumn Day

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Vernal Pool

          On Wednesday before vacation, Larry Clarfield from the North Branch Nature Center came to school to talk to the fourth grade about vernal pools and their importance. Students learned what a vernal pool is, what animals live there and why animals migrate on the first warm rain after the snow is gone.  It is called the Big Night. Larry showed slides, they listened to the calls of Vermont frogs and they got to see a spotted salamander.
     The next day I read students the book called The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown.  We analyzed the structure of the poems and then students wrote their own poems about why vernal pools are important. They did an awesome job! Please read them below.

Vernal Pool Poem
By Payton and Carmen

The important thing about the vernal pool
Is that it keeps frogs and salamander safe.
Vernal pools come in the spring.
Fish like to eat the frog’s egg.
Frogs and salamanders lay their eggs in vernal pools.
A vernal pool will start as a puddle
And get bigger and bigger and bigger.
Frogs must hatch fast and leave
Soon the vernal pool will dry out
So if fish lived there they would die
‘cuz there wouldn’t be any more water but
The important thing about the vernal pool
Is that it keeps frogs and salamander safe.

Vernal Pool
By Jacob and Dylan

The important thing about the vernal pool
Is amphibians go there
Frogs lay their eggs there
It only comes in the spring
Fish can live there
It is home to many different animals
Some vernal pools last throughout the summer
It starts as a puddle and gets bigger but
The important thing about the vernal pool
Is amphibians go there

Vernal Pool Poem
By Ari

The important thing about the vernal pool
Is that it gives amphibians a home
It starts out as a small puddle
It gets bigger and bigger and bigger
Until the summer comes
And it dries out
On The Big Night frogs
And salamanders cross the road
To get to a vernal pool
Frogs lay their eggs there
So fish can not eat them
As the tadpoles grow into adults
The vernal pool dries up
And the frogs and salamanders leave but
The important thing about a vernal pool
Is that it gives amphibians a home.

Vernal Pool Poem
By Claire and Jordan

The important thing about the vernal pool
Is it’s only in the spring
It helps lots of amphibians for a place
To go on the Big Night
The Big Night is the first rain after
The snow has melted
The pools starts out really small
And gets bigger
Frogs lay their eggs there
‘cuz fish can’t eat the frog’s eggs
‘cuz there are no fish living there
If we didn’t’ have vernal pool
We wouldn’t have frogs
It’s a home to many eggs but
The important thing about the vernal pool
Is it’s only in the the spring

Vernal Pool
By Damian

The important thing about the vernal pool is
That amphibians go there to lay their eggs
Frogs go there to lay their eggs
It’s a home to lot of animals
Fish can not eat their eggs
Salamanders lay their eggs in a vernal pool
In the summer a vernal pool
Will dry up
Vernal pools are just big puddles
But the important thing about vernal pools is
That amphibians go there to lay their eggs.

Vernal Pools
By May and Olga

The important thing about the vernal pool
Is that frogs live in them
They lay their eggs in water
That doesn’t have fish
They only come once
Winter is over
Then the puddle dries up
There are lot of amphibians there but
The important thing about the vernal pool
Is that frogs live in them

Vernal Pool Poem
By Caroline

The important things about a vernal pool
Is that it gives amphibians a home
It starts out as a small puddle and
Gets bigger and bigger and bigger until
The summer comes and
It dries up
On The Big Night frogs and
Salamanders cross the road
To get to a vernal pool
Frogs lay their eggs there
So fish can not eat them
As the tadpoles grow into adults the
Vernal pool dries up and
The frogs leave
The important things about a vernal pool
Is that it gives amphibians a home

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