In math we have been working for the past few weeks to learn to multiply 3 and 4 digit numbers by a 1 digit number ( 345 x 5). This week we are learning to multiply 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers ( 34 x 56). First, we learned to break apart and multiply. So, in the above equation we would break apart 56 to 34 x 50 and 34 x 6 and then add them together. Next, we created four boxes and broke apart both numbers. See below.
Now, we are learning the traditional multiplication algorithm. From the Common Core, this is the way students are expected to multiply but they need to understand what it means, that is why they learn to break apart the numbers first. They are recording how to do these methods in their math notebook. They can use this for reference when they do their homework. We have also been learning about symmetry as we head into a unit on geometry and measurement.
In Tech Ed students have chosen a book that they have read and know well. They will be creating a movie trailer to inspire students to read their book.
In writing students have chosen an animal to study. They are currently taking notes about their animal. Next week we will be deciding on chapters for their book and choosing focus topics for their paragraphs.
In social studies we have started to study the Abenaki. We played a bingo game to learn some vocabulary. I am reading them some myths and then playing some games related to the myth. We also saw a video that talked about current Abenaki life.
We completed the VT lakes and rivers test. Next Thursday will be the VT counties test. Students will have a practice sheet that they can use to make a puzzle on Monday.
One of the things we did in literacy this week was to write a connection piece to the Natalie Kinsey-Warnock book From Dawn to Dusk. We compared what they did in each season to the author's family in the book. We read an article about what the Abenaki did in each season. Then we compared what we did in each season to the Abenaki and created Venn diagrams comparing them. We are currently reading Abenaki myths.
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